Ritiro di un giorno condotto in inglese da membri della SRF/YSS

Retreat theme: “Love God With All Your Heart” 

L’orario è riportato nella vostra ora locale.

“We bow to Thee, O Spirit, with all-surrendering hearts and minds, knowing Thou art the love in our hearts and the Creator of our minds.”

–Paramahansa Yogananda

We warmly invite you to join us for a one-day online retreat on the theme “Love God With All Your Heart” led by SRF/YSS members. This retreat will share insights from the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda on the importance of loving God — and opening our hearts to experience God’s unconditional responding love.

The retreat will include group practice of the SRF Energization Exercises, periods of devotional chanting and meditation, an affirmation, inspirational readings from the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda and Sri Daya Mata, and video excerpts of talks by SRF monastics. The retreat will conclude with Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer. 

Please note: The video of the retreat will be available for viewing until Monday, October 14 at 10:00 p.m. (PDT).  

To make an offering:

YSS devotees please donate to YSS:

Programma del Ritiro

Ora locale
1° Parte:
Group practice of the Energization Exercises, followed by periods of devotional chanting and meditation
Caricamento in corso ...
Intervallo Caricamento in corso ...
2° Parte:
Video excerpts interspersed with brief periods of meditation
Caricamento in corso ...
Intervallo Caricamento in corso ...
3° Parte:
Periods of devotional chanting and meditation, followed by practice of an affirmation, concluding with the healing service
Caricamento in corso ...